Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chicken Festival?

My neighbor friend Cathy, my daughter Lindsey and I went to the 20th Annual Louisiana Chicken Festival this weekend. I bought this poster to frame, I love it!

Small town festivals crack me up. We traveled quite a distance to find that these were the only chickens there! I like the tail feathers on the white one!

There was a very nice quilt show that had some really beautiful quilts. These two, were made by an 82 year old woman. Not sure how old she was when she started them, though. I know that if I started on making a quilt of this magnitude today that maybe by the time I was 82 it would be finished. All funning aside, these two quilts were absolutely exquisite. The intricate designs were appliquéd and hand-embroidered. The floral quilt above was said to have appraised at $5000. I can believe it, because it was absolutely gorgeous. It was my favorite. Cathy and Lindsey favored the second one. They were both beautiful!

I just loved this block from the quilt above. These photos do not do justice to the fine detail in these quilts.

Some of the festival-goers gettin' with it in the Strut, Cackle and Crow Dance. I would have joined in but I didn't want to shame those kids with my proficiency in chicken dancing.

This gentleman was one of three contestants in the BBQ Chicken Cook-Off. We didn't stay long enough to find out if he won, though.

All in all, we had a nice time. Although, I would have liked to have seen some actual chickens. Live ones, that is! Oh well!


  1. "my proficiency in chicken dancing."

    And I would have paid to see that!

    What beautiful work! I just can't imagine the detail on that scale. Thank you for the close ups. They are amazing.

  2. Really, I am... proficient... in chicken dancing!

  3. I have a post up for you with a chicken you might want to take. You could put it to good use.

  4. Right on! I so would have done the chicken dance with you.



  5. What a wonderful adventure, Laurie! :)

    Oh my GOODNESS!!! The quilts would have been my favorite part - for sure. I love quilts. The 2 quilted by the 82 year old woman are inspriring. I've got so so so much fabric (combination of what I collected over several years and what my MIL gave me before she passed away) I have completed one lap quilt - autumny colors. I have several more that I am wanting to do that I have most of the fabric for. To do what the 82 year old woman did, you have to be gifted artisically (can paint/draw well). I do not have that gift. ;)

    I love the barn!

    Your blog's newest entries didn't show up on my Bloglines. Maybe it is because they were having problems yesterday? Hmmmm, not sure.

    Have a wonderously wonderful Wednesday!!

  6. There's quite the quilt festival in this area in July. Thousands of attendees and a "bunchload" of quilts. (No exact number... so I used bunchload)

  7. We had a bit of our own chicken festival today! Lucy laid her very first egg!!!

    Wooo hoooo!!!


  8. LOL! You caught an excellent frame!

  9. I love festivals like this! It's a nice day out.


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